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The IGNITE Blog The biggest mistakes leaders make on Linkedin

The biggest mistakes leaders make on Linkedin


  • Thinking That Just Being 'On' LinkedIn is Enough: Assuming that a LinkedIn profile is sufficient for networking and career advancement without actively engaging with the platform and its users to create opportunities.

  • Not Having a Goal: Failing to define clear objectives and outcomes for their presence on LinkedIn, leading to aimless engagement and missed opportunities for networking, branding, or lead generation.

  • Engaging with the Wrong People: Spending time and effort interacting with individuals or groups on LinkedIn who are not part of their target audience or industry, resulting in a lack of meaningful connections and missed networking opportunities.

  • Neglecting Profile Optimisation: An incomplete or outdated profile, including missing profile pictures, sparse job descriptions, or outdated contact information, can hinder opportunities for networking and collaboration.

  • Ignoring Engagement Opportunities: Failing to engage with connections through likes, comments, and shares, missing out on valuable opportunities to build relationships and establish thought leadership.

  • Not Providing Value: Sharing content that lacks relevance or value to their target audience, leading to disengagement and loss of credibility.

  • Overlooking Analytics: Failing to track and analyse LinkedIn analytics to understand the effectiveness of their content and engagement strategies, hindering their ability to refine and improve their approach.

  • Underestimating the Importance of Personal Branding: Many people neglect to cultivate a strong and authentic personal brand on LinkedIn, which is crucial for establishing credibility and standing out in a crowded digital landscape.

  • Ignoring Direct Messages and Connection Requests: Disregarding messages and connection requests from potential collaborators, clients, or industry peers, missing out on valuable networking opportunities and partnerships.

  • Inconsistent Posting: Posting irregularly or inconsistently can cause their content to get lost in the LinkedIn feed and reduce visibility.


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